Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Calling All Women!

Are You Ready to Stand in Your Power?

As women, our spiritual essence is, and always has been, power—the ability to access power from the depths of silence, to hold power within our bodies, to wield power through the heart.

At this pivotal moment in history, women are being asked to stand in their power. Not to stand against something, not even to stand for something, but to stand in the energy of the Divine Feminine, an alignment where the polarity of for and against comes to rest. 

As individuals, none of us can stop the violence, heal the Earth, or bring peace to the world. That is the job of Spirit. But even one woman standing in this energy and allowing it to direct her life’s work facilitates the job of Spirit in a more efficient and graceful way.

If you are a woman who is ready to stand in her power, please contact us to learn more about Women Standing in Their Power, a hands-on workshop, led by Lucia René, female mystic, Buddhist monk, and author of Unplugging the Patriarchy.

March 2011, 10am-6:30pm
Location: Yorkshire, 


Scotland TBA
Ireland TBA

For more information and registration contact

Yorkshire: Rosalind Arden earthsimagination@gmail.com

Scotland, Tanya Reynolds

Ireland, Liana Lovie

Saturday, 11 September 2010


welcome to my brand new blog. This site is in development. I will be back soon! Say hello.
